
Wednesday, May 23, 2012


We are PLEASED to announce that our friends....
will be at ACappellastock 2012!

The six members of Eclipse originally met while performing in a public relations /ambassador-oriented group that was part of the department of Programs and Entertainment at Utah State University. They began by arranging their own vocal covers of popular songs and performing them on campus and in the Logan area. Increasing public interest and performance opportunities led to the recording of their first album, “Once,” which was released in April 2001.

Following the release, the band’s main focus shifted to gaining exposure. They auditioned for, and were accepted to compete in, the Northwest Regional Harmony Sweepstakes Competition. They took first place and were featured at the National Competition in May 2001 with the 8 other Regional winners from around the nation.

In Utah, concerts and contacts continued and relationships were developed as Eclipse began performing with local artists such as Colors, John Schmidt, Peter Breinholt, and Kurt Bestor.

In September 2001, Eclipse was asked by Kenny Ortega, Olympic Ceremonies Director, to perform a featured number in the Opening Ceremonies for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games. This led to other opportunities, including a featured spot in the Closing Ceremonies and a series of appearances at the Medals Plaza opening for such acts as Brooks & Dunn, Nelly Furtado, and Train.

Shortly after the Olympics, Eclipse was asked to be a featured guest along with Larry King and Toby Keith at the “Stadium of Fire,” the 4th of July celebration at BYU’s Cougar Stadium.

Eclipse released their second album, “Think Twice,” in October 2002. They also became the 2002 winners of the Rocky Mountain Regional Harmony Sweepstakes.

In 2003, Eclipse was named “Best Vocal Group” in Utah’s Best of State awards and “Group Recording Artist of the Year” in the Faith Centered Music Association’s Pearl Awards. They released their third album, a Christmas CD called “Three Kings” in October 2003.

In 2004, Eclipse received three more Pearl Awards, including “ Holiday Album of the Year,” and were the runners-up for “Best Holiday Album” in the Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards. They also received two Just Plain Folks Music Awards (the world’s largest music awards program, honoring independent musicians in over 85 countries).

From 2005-2007 Eclipse focused on their show, traveling throughout the U.S. and Asia. In 2005 the released the fourth album, “For Show,” a live album.

After eight years of sharing their music, Eclipse felt very grateful for success and the opportunities they had to share their love of music around the world. So, it was with this gratefulness in mind that they released their fifth album, “Grateful Praise,” an album that could express the notion that worship through music transcends style and that, regardless of setting, there will always be a level of praise inherent in music that cannot be achieved by any other means.

In 2009-2010 Eclipse took to the road again traveling again throughout the U.S. and Asia.
In 2011 Eclipse released their most recent album, and second Christmas album, “It’s Christmas Time.”


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2. thời kì giải ngân tiền mặt nhanh nhất bây chừ
Cam kết phê duyệt hồ sơ trong 15 - 30 phút. Giải ngân tiền mặt sau 30 phút - đến 2h giả dụ làm giấy tờ trước 21H Tối. Chúng tôi cam kết giải quyết trong ngày. không để tồn sang hôm sau.
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